jeudi 4 octobre 2007


After four days hitch-hiking from Moscow, I'm at least in Warsaw, Poland. Nothing much to say, a lot of flashbacks late and boring by now. Is there a sense to keep writing this blog ? I don't feel so. So it goes. Low-cost flight to Paris is scheduled the 9th of of October. I will visit my polish friends, and there won't be any more adventures to tell, I guess.

Ile-de France. Metro. Orsay-ville. Cheese. France... It will be very strange to be back.

3 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Quel enthousiasme à nous (re)voir :-( !! Atterissage en douceur mon garçon...

A bientôt,

Space Dindon a dit…

06 03

Anonyme a dit…

hi dear Vincent
how do u do ?
don't u intend to come back to Iran ?
best regards,ammar